Life in Leica | Trina Baker Photography

My friend Mike, from the Red Lyon Tavern, was kind enough to lend me his lovely Leica M3 camera.  Last Saturday I had some time to take it out and shoot a roll.  I love this camera and all of it's little quirks. Focusing was a bit difficult but after a few frames I figured... Continue Reading →

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Today was Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and a perfect day to test out my digital pinhole body cap.  The pinhole body cap didn't come with any instructions so I set my camera to manual and began playing around with the shutter speed and ISO until I came up with a setting that worked. These images were taken... Continue Reading →

Nikon f100 Photos

Just a quick share of my first roll of film shot with my Nikon f100 film camera.  I used my 35mm lens at f2.8 and Konica 400 film. for these photos. The only edits were to adjust the levels and crop them square. I still have a lot to learn about some specific functions of... Continue Reading →

Hipstamatic D Project

My new twitter friend Yvette and I tried out the new Hipstamatic D app over the past week.  This is a camera app that allows you and your friends to take photos on the same roll of film like an old school disposable film camera. You can't see the photos until all 24 shots have... Continue Reading →

Faux Polaroid SX70 Photos

As most of you know, if you read this blog regularly, I love all types of cameras. The Polaroid SX70 is one of my favorites in my collection mainly because it is so beautifully designed.  Can a camera be sexy? Yes.  The Impossible Project sells three types of film for this camera, PX70 Color Shade, PX100... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week 10

This week's project camera is the Blackbird Fly 35mm TLR.  It is a plastic camera with a plastic lens and is a modern twist on an old classic.  I got this for a birthday present a few years back, however, I only ran one roll of film through it and the lab messed up the processing.... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week 6

The 52 Week Pr oject continues this week with the Hipstamatic app for iPhone.  This app is one of my favorites and one of the few photo apps that you can't import photos to process them. You get to choose your film, lens and flash to achieve hundreds of combinations. I took these images with... Continue Reading →

Holga Alley Views

As promised here are a couple more images from the Holga 135 roll.  I cropped these to square to see what they would look like. Do you like them square or rectangle as I posted yesterday? I then edited them using the Instagram photoshop action by dbox. This is quickly becoming my favorite editing tool.... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week 5

This week I am featuring the Holga 135 35mm camera. I bought this little gem at Urban Outfitters.  They have an amazing collection of Lomo toy cameras and film.  I like that this camera is small, light weight and fits easily in your bag. It's a fun little knock around camera that takes great photos.... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week 4

I had planned to feature my Holga 135 this week, however, the film will not be developed until Wednesday. So the feature this week will be Camera Bag App for iPhone. This was one of the first apps I bought and it is so fun to use.  You can either take photos within the app or... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week2

This week we are going to focus on the Lensbaby Composer.  This is one of my favorite lenses. It has a unique tilt shift style that lends itself well to landscape images.  The Composer’s design is based on a ball and socket configuration that allows you to pick your central point of focus and determine how much... Continue Reading →

52 Week Project/ Week 1

Today begins my 52 Week Project and I thought since I missed "Roid Week 2011" I would start with my 104 Land Camera. The camera has a folding bellows, offers automatic exposure and uses the series 100 pack film.  It has a plastic lens and was made between 1965 and 1967.  I love this camera... Continue Reading →

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